Turning Point’s Aleana Smiley on
First Amendment Protection on Texas College Campuses
Smiley was removed from a Texas College.
November 14
6:30 PM
Complimentary dinner
Barbwire Halo Cowboy Church
6761 SH 154 W, Gilmer, TX
Smiley is a 20-year-old Political Science student at the University of Mount Union. Aleana currently works as Turning Point USA’s Magnolia Field Representative. She is passionate about preserving the right to freedom of speech, especially on college campuses.
In her spare time, she loves to fish, play the flute, and serve in children’s ministry. She hopes to make a lasting impact on each college campus she visits and empower students to join the battle to save our country.
The Barbwire Halo Cowboy Church is 6 miles from the Upshur County Courthouse. GPS to the Courthouse and go west on Hwy 154. Pass a blinking light and the church is on the left up the hill.