Gathering for Prayer – Sat., Oct 29

Gathering for Prayer!
Oct. 29 – Noon
2802 Gilmer Road, Longview

My Plea


I humbly reach out to ALL Christian people with Republican values, who are pro-life, and who embrace a deep desire to secure our children’s futures with the God-given rights that Jesus himself blessed us with so, so long ago!

Our Lord God calls us to love and support one another, and give our Lord God the support, faith, and love that Jesus has already given to every Godly person that asks for His forgiveness.

Let’s save our babies… our families… our wonderful nation! Let’s change our Longview, our Gregg County community, and in turn change all counties, states, and thereby America for the better!

For all in God’s name, “In God We Trust” says it all!

Won’t you join us this Saturday, October 29, at NOON, at 2802 Gilmer Road in Longview for a Gathering for Prayer? Bring your family and/or a friend.

Together, through prayer, let us call upon our Lord and Savior to protect our counties, state, and nation from those who would destroy all that God has created.

Finally, this election season, may our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ radiate strongly throughout all voting booths in Longview, Gilmer, and every city across our great state.

Tracy Vincent

More Details on the Gathering for Prayer

On October 29, at NOON, at 2802 Gilmer Road, in Longview, we will gather for prayer for the soul of our nation, state, county, and the candidates running for office. We pray that the decisions made will be for God’s values and His good.

At the gathering, we respectfully request that NO pictures are taken for social media posting. You may take pictures for your remembrance only!!

You may pray quietly or lead in prayer, whichever you are comfortable with.

Please ask your friends to join us!

May God be with you always!!
Marty Rhymes

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.  In order to set us free from this present evil age, Christ gave himself for our sins, in obedience to the will of our God and Father. To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen. – Galatians 1:5-15